Chapter 4 3 Multiple Baselines
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It would be an even greater concern if the treatment were an instructional program that requires several weeks or months to implement. Testing and session exposure may be particularly troublesome in a study that requires taking the participant to an unusual location and exposing them to unusual assessment situations in order to obtain baseline data. A study may be at heightened risk of coincidental events if the target behavior is particularly sensitive to events in the environment that are uncontrolled by the experimenter. Any of these types of circumstances may require additional tiers in order to clearly address threats to internal validity. The multiple baseline design was initially described by Baer et al. in their classic 1968 article that defined applied behavior analysis.
One Story Duplex House Plans
If either of these assumptions are not valid for a coincidental event, then the presence and function of that event would not be revealed by the across-tier analysis. We are not pointing to flaws in execution of the design; we are pointing to inherent weaknesses. Poor execution can certainly worsen these problems, but good execution cannot eliminate them. The across-tier comparison of concurrent multiple baseline designs is less certain and definitive than it may appear. Although the across-tier comparison may detect some coincidental events; it cannot be assumed to detect them all. Further, it is impossible to know how many events, which events, or the severity of the events that are missed by an across-tier comparison.
Single stream – single component
By synchronized we mean that “session 1” in all tiers takes place before “session 2” in any tier, and this ordinal invariance of session number across tiers is true for all sessions. So, for example, session 10 in tier 2 must take place at some time between tier 1’s session 9 and 11. Nonconcurrent multiple baseline designs are those in which tiers are not synchronized in real time. That is, session numbers do not necessarily correspond to the same periods of real time across tiers. For example, knowing the date of session 10 in tier 1 tells us nothing about the date of session 10 in tier 2. One area that has, in the past, been particularly controversial is the experimental rigor of concurrent versus nonconcurrent multiple baseline designs; that is, the degree to which each can rule out threats to internal validity.
Study FAQs
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With at least one shared wall between dwellings, our multi-family home designs provide separate accommodations for each household. They include duplexes comprised of two dwellings sharing one common wall, triplexes for three households, and quadplexes for four families. Whether the data is higher or lower based on a visual inspection of the data; a change in the level implies the treatment introduced had an effect. A study method in which the researcher gathers data on a baseline state, introduces the treatment and continues observation until a steady state is reached, and finally removes the treatment and observes the participant until they return to a steady state. We call this part of the design process Wayfinding Strategy –how travelers can quickly come to understand and efficiently use the place. We go beyond form, color, font and physical design to create communication interventions that often include names, nomenclature, numbering systems, sequence, zoning and non-signage tools that connect visitor needs with challenging environments.
Early Literature and Development of Methodology of Concurrent Multiple Baseline Designs
In the single-stream strategy, it’s quite possible that the same person manages both global and local configurations, so creating global configurations using baseline automation saves steps. Manual baseline staging is appropriate if you have more than one component stream, with local administrators who might baseline at slightly different times, so the global baseline creator cannot be sure of the exact state of the local streams. In visually inspecting their data, single-subject researchers take several factors into account.
Will I have to take new medications or change my current ones?
However, each replication of the possible treatment effect that takes place at a substantially distinct calendar date reduces the plausibility of this threat. Each replication requires an assumption of a separate event coinciding with a distinct phase change. This control assumes that the replications are sufficiently offset in real time (e.g., calendar days) to ensure that a single coincidental event could not plausibly cause the effects observed in multiple tiers. With control for coincidental events in multiple baseline designs resting squarely on replicated within-tier comparisons, there is no basis for claiming that, in general, concurrent designs are methodologically stronger than nonconcurrent designs. Textbook authors, editors, and readers of research should consider nonconcurrent multiple baseline designs to be capable of supporting conclusions every bit as strong as those from concurrent designs.
CLM configuration management: Single stream strategy
Offshore Patrol Cutter Argus Nears Completion Proceedings - August 2022 Vol. 148/8/1,434 - USNI News
Offshore Patrol Cutter Argus Nears Completion Proceedings - August 2022 Vol. 148/8/1,434.
Posted: Thu, 11 Aug 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Additional replications further reduce the plausibility of extraneous variables causing change at approximately the same time that the independent variable is applied to each tier. Any alternative explanation of this pattern of results would have to posit an alternative set of causes that could plausibly result in changes in the dependent variable in this specific pattern across the multiple tiers. A critical requirement of the within-tier analysis is that no single extraneous event could plausibly cause the observed changes in multiple tiers. If this requirement is not met and a single extraneous event could explain the pattern of data in multiple tiers, then replications of the within-tier comparison do not rule out threats to internal validity as strongly. This critical requirement is mainly addressed by the lag between phase changes in successive phases. The time lag must be sufficiently long so that no single event could produce potential treatment effects in more than one tier.
This is because you're able to have multiple dwellings in one building that requires less land than detached homes.
This provides clear information about the number of sessions that precede the phase change in each tier, and therefore constitutes a strong basis for controlling the threat of testing and session experience. However, current practice provides little or no direct information on either the temporal duration (e.g., number of days) of baseline nor the offset between phase changes in real time (i.e., number of calendar days between phase changes). These reports do not provide the information necessary to rigorously evaluate maturation or coincidental events. Under the proposed definition, such a study would not be considered a full-fledged multiple baseline.
High numbers of first-time visitors must interact with unfamiliar concourse configurations, multiple baggage claim areas and ground transportation choices. We believe that it's important to return as much of your information as possible in an ethical, responsible manner and in a format that is interesting and understandable. This may include laboratory tests (such as glucose metabolism), clinical assessments (such as blood pressure), imaging (such as a chest x-ray), and survey data (such as mood or diet). Please note that it may take months or years to return some or all of your information, while we build out the infrastructure and framework to do so. You can read more about this topic in this publication by Project Baseline researchers and this blog post by the co-chair of our Return of Results Committee. In the future, we may also share with you summarized research outcomes from across the study population.
Smith (2012) found that SCD was reported in 143 different journals that span a variety of fields such as behavior analysis, psychology, education, speech, and pain management; across these fields, multiple baselines account for 69% of SCDs. Because treatment is started at different times, changes are attributable to the treatment rather than to a chance factor. By gathering data from many subjects (instances), inferences can be made about the likeliness that the measured trait generalizes to a greater population. In multiple baseline designs, the experimenter starts by measuring a trait of interest, then applies a treatment before measuring that trait again. Treatment does not begin until a stable baseline has been recorded, and does not finish until measures regain stability.[1] If a significant change occurs across all participants the experimenter may infer that the treatment is effective.
In both forms of multiple baseline designs, a potential treatment effect in the first tier would be vulnerable to the threat that the changes in data could be a result of testing or session experience. However, if this within-tier pattern is replicated in multiple tiers after differing numbers of baseline sessions, this threat becomes increasingly implausible. Thus, a multiple baseline with phase changes sufficiently lagged (in terms of number of sessions) provides rigorous control for this threat. In addition, functionally isolating tiers (e.g., across settings) such that they are highly unlikely to be subjected to the same instances of a threat can also contribute to this goal. Longer lags and more isolated tiers can reduce the number of tiers necessary to render extraneous variables implausible explanations of results. To summarize, the replicated within-tier analysis with sufficient lag can rigorously control for the threat of maturation.
We also don’t know if other variables aside from those measured actually caused the change in behavior unless we spend a great amount of time and effort controlling for these possible confounds. A way to minimize these weaknesses is through the technique known as multiple baselines. The concurrent multiple baseline design opened up many new opportunities to conduct applied research in contexts that were not amenable to other SCDs. However, researchers in clinical, educational, and other applied settings recognized that they could expand research much further if the tiers of a multiple baseline could be conducted as they became available sequentially rather than simultaneously. Two articles published in 1981 described and advocated the use of nonconcurrent multiple baseline designs (Hayes, 1981; Watson & Workman, 1981).
The lack of change in untreated tiers should be interpreted only as weak evidence supporting internal validity given the plausible alternative explanations of this lack of change. Watson and Workman described a nonconcurrent multiple baseline design in which participants could be begin a study as they became known to the researcher. They do not mention the across-tier comparison, presumably because they believe that this analysis is not necessary to establish experimental control. Watson and Workman did not explicitly address threats to internal validity other than coincidental events. Recognizing these three dimensions of lag has implications for reporting multiple baseline designs. The vast majority of contemporary published multiple baseline designs describe the timing of phases in terms of sessions rather than days or dates.
Data from the treatment phase in one tier can be compared to corresponding baseline data in another tier. If a potential treatment effect is observed in the treated tier but a change in the dependent variable is also observed in corresponding sessions in a tier that is still in baseline, this provides evidence that an extraneous variable may have caused both changes. This pattern seriously weakens the argument that the independent variable was responsible for the change in the treated tier.
Thus, for any multiple baseline design to address the threat of maturation, it must show changes in multiple tiers after substantially differing numbers of days in baseline. The lag between phase changes must be long enough that maturation over any single amount of time cannot explain the results in multiple tiers. The across-tier analysis of coincidental events is the main way that concurrent and nonconcurrent multiple baselines differ. According to conventional wisdom, concurrent multiple baselines are superior because they allow for across-tier comparisons that can rule out coincidental events.
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